Thursday, November 13, 2008

Technology Experiences... Revised!!!

After Ms. Peifer had us look at other people's blogs today, it made me realize just how boring my blog was. Here is what I should have written.

I am not a person who spends a large percentage of my life in front of the glowing screen of a computer. I don't even have a facebook... yet. My iPod (I call him Boris) is the most advanced piece of technology I own. But now he is old and decrepid in the swiftly passing iPod years. If you feel old, imagine how he feels. I hope to give him a quiet, peaceful funeral soon after I get a new iPod (it's going to be orange! ORANGE!!!!!). I'm excited. To be fair, Boris has had a long and prosperous life that an iPod should have. *sigh* I'll miss that iPod. Actually, not really. Have I mentioned that my new iPod is going to be orange?! Orange!


L. M. Peifer said...

Great post! I love that your ipod is named Boris. What will brand new orange ipod's name be?

jessica said...

and we will be fixing the lack of facebook soon, very soon